Budget card Stay in control of your spending with a Budget card from Intersolve. It has a wide reach and is safe, reliable and flexible. Solution 16-10-2018
B2B/B2C Trade platform Intersolve Trade is an administrative and financial system which fully automates the issuance and processing of gift cards. Solution 16-10-2018
Payment card Do you want to issue your own Payment card? Why not use the Intersolve flexible, secure and fraud-resistant solutions ? Solution 16-10-2018
Membership card Offer your customers temporary access or use of a product by issuing a Membership card. Solution 16-10-2018
ISAE3402/SOC1 By means of the ISAE3402 type II declaration we demonstrate that the quality of the service provided to us is adequately guaranteed. Article 16-10-2018
BrancheVereniging Cadeaukaarten Nederland BVCNL, the Gift Cards Association Branch for the Netherlands “BrancheVereniging Cadeaukaarten Nederland” was established on 6th July 2017. Article 16-10-2018